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TRILLIUM Der er billeder ved
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albidum 'Esther' albidum (Trinity River) angustipetalum (American River) apetalon Green with red stamen. camschatcense ssp. rhombifolium camschatcense 'Nemuro' camschatcense 'Kamishihoro' catesbaei cernuum cernuum var. macranthum cernuum Rose chloropetalum rubrum (brown flower) chloropetalum red form chloropetalum Light Yellow form chloropetalum White with red base chloropetalum (Lizzy) yellow/orange chloropetalum mix colour chloropetalum Rose & White chloropetalum Chocolate & Lime sp. (chloropetalum/angustipetalum, Niels Tolmer) cuneatum Georgia Giants cuneatum "Eco Silver Tiara" cuneatum 'Red Sunset' cuneatum Yellow Blueish leaves cuneatum aff ludovicianum (Ruby Falls) = T. freemanii cuneatum Dark large cuneatum x luteum cuneatum golden flower form decipiens ex. Georgia decumbens silver leaf discolor erectum erectum alba erectum rosa erectum rosa m/ mørk gane erectum beige erectum luteum erectum blandum erectum lemon with red centre x (erectum white with red center) erectum with special leaves erectum x flexipes Susquehanna flexipes flexipes Alabama (Large) flexipes Jumbo Size flexipes forma walpolei flexipes f. walpolei maroon flower flexipes ? (Henrik. Pure white flower) flexipes "Harvington Strain" flexipes x erectum flexipes x sulcatum white flower foetidissimum gracile Newton Co. TX grandiflorum (Low form) grandiflorum flora plena (Peters halvfyldte) grandiflorum fl. pl. Nr. 1 (from Japan) grandiflorum fl. pl. Nr. 2 (from Japan) grandiflorum flora plena Bressingham clone grandiflorum var. roseum from Blue Mountain USA grandiflorum var. roseum Edinburgh Form grandiflorum var. roseum Göteborg Form grandiflorum var. roseum - Virgianum form grandiflorum "Kath's Dwarf" grandiflorum "Snow Bunting" (Same clone who got Award of Merit at Chelsea Show in 1966) grandiflorum 'Rakestraw double' grandiflorum "Elkins Form" (If you have information about this form, Please contact me) hibbersonii kurabayashii White kurabayashii (Schoolhouse Peak) kojima =amabile var. atropurpureocarpum lancifolium lancifolium "f. simulans" lancifolium (from seeds coll. Georgia) lancifolium 'Shotgun Wedding' lancifolium 'Lancelot' ludovicianum x ludoviciatum 'Rankin' luteum Pure silver leaf nivale (the best one) nivale Indiana form (1) ovatum fl. pl. 'Edith' ovatum forma maculosum ovatum x rivale oostingii parviflorum petiolatum pusillum var. pusillum pusillum var. alabamicum recurvatum from Indiana recurvatum f. shayi recurvatum 'Little Rabbit' recurvatum Clumping Form recurvatum 'Big' recurvatum, maroon flowers that age to yellow rivale rivale "Purple Heart" rivale "Purple Heart" original clone rivale Reticulate leaf rivale Pointed petals Spotted rugelli (vaseyi) Hybrid rugelii White rugelii x vaseyii sessile Dark leaf form sessile Fred Case form sessile plain green leaves, green flower with red edges simile smallii flora plena stamineum stamineum dark form stamineum Fred Case form sulcatum Light yellow sulcatum Limegreen sulcatum Cream sulcatum white sulcatum 'Eco White' sulcatum Purple flowered sulcatum x flexipes sp. (Big with red/white flower) sp. Purple Red from Aomori (Japan) Nr. 13 sp. Purple Flower from Aomori (Japan) sp. Red from Iwate, Japan sp. green flower with green stem sp. from Mtn. Daisetu on Hokkaido, Japan sp. nov. 'Jones Gap' ? Yellow Petal tschonoskii variegated flower 'Tricolor' underwoodii undulatum vaseyi x rugellii vaseyi alba ? (maybe a new species) vaseyi horizontal form (Wrong, maybe T. flexipes) viride ? viride viridescens walepolii "Lucky Dip" (a cross between flexipes & erectum, or flexipes & sulcatum)
'Yellow Parasol'