W elcome to our garden in Denmark










The garden lies on a south-facing gentle slope in the windswept northwestern part of Denmark. In the center of the garden is our house, and surrounding that, we have laid out the garden with several rooms tied together with a web of paths and small lawns. The soil is basically calcareous, but in most of the rooms we have changed it to an acid soil to suit our taste in plants and planted Rhododendron, Helleborus, Trillium, Lilium og Primula etc. Where the soil is still limy we have planted collections of Paeonies. Spread out through the garden we have built small Rock Garden beds with dry, sandy, well drained soil for plantings of Alpines. We even have a pair of alpine houses where, in early spring, our Herpatica collection is blooming.


GUNDA OG KARL KRISTENSEN – ENGKÆRBRO 4 – DK-7752 SNEDSTED  TLF: 52584094   gardendk@hotmail.com


You are welcome to visit our garden during the summer months, but please give us a call or send us an email to be sure we will be home at the time for your visit.

All pictures are protected with copyright, can only be used with my permission.